Deep calls to deep

(Matthew 14.22-33) – 9 August 2020
Neil Millar

During my childhood and teenage years, I spent a lot of time ‘messing around
in boats’, to quote Ratty’s words to his friend Mole in Kenneth Grahame’s
wonderful book The Wind in the Willows. I loved sailing and spent most
summer weekends racing dinghys somewhere around Sydney – Pittwater,
the Harbour, Botany Bay and occasionally further afield – Jindabyne and Lake
Burley Griffin. Later, I got into ocean racing, and in 1975, at the tender age of
17, I completed my first Sydney to Hobart Yacht race. One lesson I learnt in
all of this was that if you spend time on the water, sooner or later, you’ll be
caught in a storm. I’ve got some dramatic experiences I could share, but
none of them match what we’ve just heard. I’ve been in the water plenty of
times. Walking on it?? What are we to make of what happens here?

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