Christmas Services @ St Ninian’s

Blue Christmas – Saturday 10 December 3.30pm in the William’s RoomLessons and Carols – Sunday 18 December 9.30am in the hallChristmas Eve – Saturday 24 December 6pm combined service with Benedictus Contemplative Church in the hallChristmas Day – Sunday 25 December 9am Everyone welcome

Christmas Day 2021 – Behold, Glory

Luke 2.1-14 – 25 December 2021Neil Millar Glory to God in the highest’, the angels proclaim. ‘Glory to God in the lowest’, says GK Chesterton. ‘There has fallen on earth for a token a god too great for the sky’, he writes in Gloria in Profundis. He has burst out of all things and brokenthe … [Read more…]

Jonah’s Adventure 1: in a storm of evasion

(Jonah 1) 28 November 2021Neil Millar ‘I’m done, I’m dead’: Man swallowed alive by humpback whale,reads a headline in Yahoo News, dated 12 June 2021. ‘A diver says he’s lucky to be alive after being swallowed by a humpback whale’, the article continues. Michael Packard, from Wellfleet, Massachusetts, was lobster diving in waters off Cape … [Read more…]


Christmas (Luke 2: 1-8) Rev Neil Millar The story of Christmas is an old, old story; told and retold, sung and re-sung, year after year its elements are familiar, connecting and comforting. And especially in a time like this, when so much that was normal has flipped and been frustrated. 2020 has been a difficult … [Read more…]