BOOK SALE @ St Ninian’s

Friday 14 & Saturday 15 May 2021  9am – 1pm  Secondhand Books for all occasions. Fiction and non-fiction, cookery, gardening,  craft, manuals, children, magazines and much more…  Plants and jams will also be on sale.  Morning tea and lunch will be available.  

A New Framing Story

Neil Millar – February 2021 A New Framing Story The concept of a ‘Paradigm Shift’ was created by philosopher Thomas Kuhn. The Cambridge Dictionary defines the term as ‘a time when the usual and accepted way of doing or thinking about something changes completely’. A paradigm is like a pair of glasses. If the lenses … [Read more…]

Market Day @ St Ninian’s

Saturday 12 December 20209am – 2pmCraft and Christmas Craft: Gifts & decorations.Books: something to suit all ages. Plants: plants to bloom throughout summer.Treasures & White Elephant: large range, including puzzles, games and kids things.Jewellery: new and pre-loved jewellery.Sausage Sizzle: cooked on the premises.St Ninian’s, cnr Mouat & Brigalow Sts, Lyneham Covid 19 safety: Please do not … [Read more…]

CELTIC CHRISTIANITY – The Continuing Legacy

15 November 2020 – Ann Munro From out the Hebridean mistsappears a vivid star:‘Bethlehem of the Isles’;small in stature,yetfor the Wild Goosea nurturing place;from whence,by Columbaand other faithful followers,Christ’s message soared afar.Bethlehem of the Isles: Iona, by the Scottish poet Kenneth Steven. The heyday of Celtic Christianity was from the fifth to the eighth centuries, … [Read more…]


18 October 2020 – Ann Munro In the final centuries of the first millennium BC, the new technologies of the Iron Age fanned out to put all of Western Europe on the anvil.  They hammered their way to Spain and France, Britain and Germany, Denmark and Norway, in the hands of an emotional, energetic, creative … [Read more…]

Prayers for the people

23 AugustPrepared by Judith Shaw Lord, we know how you valued and took time to pray. Following your example, we come before you with our prayers of intercession. We pray for our World weighed down and preoccupied with the current pandemic. May a spirit of international cooperation and goodwill prevail. As leaders in all fields … [Read more…]

The Lord is in this place: Discerning God’s presence

Reflection for Easter 326 April 2020 – Neil Millar It’s interesting to think about the situations described in the Bible when God appeared to humans.  ‘The men and women involved in most of those appearances were not leading necessarily wonderful lives’, writes Emily Sax in her blog To Unearth. ‘God did not appear to and … [Read more…]

The gentle uprising

(John 20.19-31) – Easter 2 Reflection(19 April 2020) – Neil Millar In Chapter 20 of John’s gospel there are four vignettes of resurrection – four brief scenes offered as testimony that Jesus has been raised from the dead. First, there’s Mary Magdalene’s pre-dawn discovery of the stone rolled away from the tomb and the race … [Read more…]

Reflections on Covid-19

Over recent weeks, I have taken the advice of the health experts and chosen to stay within the confines of my home during the Covid-19 pandemic. During my time in self imposed isolation I have mulled over the statements of politicians, health experts and the media who claim  that we are living in  unprecedented times.  … [Read more…]

From loneliness to solitude

Dear Friends The Covid-19 pandemic is bearing down on us and life has changed dramatically in recent weeks. Government directives restrict our movements. We are unable to gather for worship and normal activities –in ‘lockdown’. This ‘spatial distancing’ has caused me to think about the experience of loneliness, and how we can be with it. … [Read more…]