Noxious ‘thoughts’ 5 – Anger

11 July 2021 Neil Millar In his list of logismoi or debilitating patterns of thinking, it is anger that Evagrius writes most strenuously about. Evagrius Ponticus, fourth century desert monk and diagnostician of the soul, uses the Greek word orge to name this thought; it has the sense of festering resentment, rage or wrath. ‘The … [Read more…]

Noxious ‘thoughts’ 4 – Sadness/despondency

4 July 2021Neil Millar ‘Why are you cast down, O my soul; why so disquieted within me?’ You may recall, back in Lent, that our reflections focussed on words that open Mark’s gospel – on Jesus’ call to repent, to change our mind (way of thinking) and believe the good news’. We pondered what in … [Read more…]

In touch

(Mark 5.21-43) 27 June 2021Neil Millar In Greek mythology, Antaeus, son of Gaia (earth) and Poseidon (sea), was a Libyan giant whose strength appeared invincible. He challenged all passers-by to a wrestling match, and invariably won. That is until he met Hercules. Hercules had gone to the garden of the Hesperides for an apple, and … [Read more…]

Outcast and wretched no longer

(Mark 5.1-20) June 20 2021Neil Millar Okay, so apart from the smell, and perhaps a bit of noise, what did those ever pigs do to deserve this fate? And what about the poor swineherds, losing their livelihood in one foul swoop? And the villagers, who seem terrified? Clearly, this encounter was profoundly settling for the … [Read more…]

‘From little things big things grow’

13 June 2021 – Mark 4.26-34Neil MillarSarah Bachelard Mark chapter 4 is full of stories – parables to be precise. All told by Jesus, and all seeking to convey something of the nature of ‘the Kingdom of God’. To tell a parable is to put one thing beside another for comparison, and this method of … [Read more…]

Mad, bad or maligned?

6 June (Mark 3. 19b-35)Neil Millar After weeks of special celebrations in the liturgical calendar (Easter, Ascension, Pentecost and Trinity), we return to what the liturgical calendar used to call ‘the season of Ordinary time’, and with it, to readings from Mark on the ministry and teaching of Jesus. We might assume this will be … [Read more…]

Dem Bones

30 May 2021 (Ezekiel 37.1-14Neil Millar Over the past few weeks, we’ve been reflecting on the presence of the Holy Spirit in the early church. Our readings, all from the book of Acts, have recounted how God’s Spirit transformed the vision and animated the witness of these first Christians. There was something new about this … [Read more…]

On Not Hindering God

(Acts 10.44 – 11.18) 23 May 2021© Sarah Bachelard Today we celebrate the feast of Pentecost – the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the body of Jesus’ disciples. Often the bible text we focus on for Pentecost comes from Acts, chapter 2 – where the Spirit descends with a ‘sound like the rush of … [Read more…]

What is to Prevent Me?

(Acts: 8:26-40) 16 May 2021Neil Millar During the liturgical season of Easter, as we noted last week, the lectionary suggests readings from two New Testament books – the gospel of John and the book titled The Acts of the Apostles, two texts that have a strikingly different feel. The passages from John’s gospel (such John … [Read more…]


(John 15.1-8) 2 May 2021Neil Millar The Tournament of Roses is a famous parade connected with New Year celebrations in Pasadena, California – a stream of colourful, flower-covered floats sponsored by different groups and companies. For over a century, visitors have experienced its beauty. Some years ago, the Standard Oil Company, now known as Chevron, … [Read more…]