Noxious ‘thoughts’ 3 – Avarice

21 March 2021 – Neil Millar In accord with the tenor of Lent, we’ve been reflecting on what it means to heed Jesus’ call to ‘repent and believe the good news’. Repentance begins, as the word metanoia suggests with a change of mind (meta = change; nous = mind), but what actually needs changing? Well, … [Read more…]

Noxious ‘thoughts’ 2 – Lust

14 March 2021Neil Millar This Lent, we’re reflecting on Christ’s call to ‘repent and believe the good news’. Literally speaking, the word ‘repent’ (metanoia) means to change our mind. There’s a tendency to think of repentance in terms of modifying our behaviour, cleaning up our moral act, and for sure, repentance involves outward change, but … [Read more…]

Noxious ‘thoughts’ 1 – Gluttony

7 March – Neil Millar The call to ‘repent and believe the good news’ is an invitation to fullness of life that comes, paradoxically, by way of a death. If any would be my disciple, they must ‘deny self, take up their cross, and follow me,’ Christ said, in the reading we heard last week. … [Read more…]

Background Briefing

28 February 2021 – Ann Munro From its first appearance to its legalisation under Constantine, Christianity was an illegal religion in the eyes of the Roman state.  For the first two centuries of its existence, Christianity and its practitioners were unpopular with the people at large.  Christians were always suspect, members of a “secret society” … [Read more…]


(Mark 1.9-15) – 21 February 2021Neil Millar And Jesus came into Galilee saying: ‘Repent and believe the good news’. With this traditional exhortation, we begin again the season of Lent. The gospel readings on the Sundays of Lent (taken mostly from John’s account) take us ever closer to the climax and culmination of Jesus’ ministry … [Read more…]

Reading Mark: The heart of the Gospel

(Mark 9.2-9) 14 February 2021Neil Millar A few weeks ago, I offered an introduction to the gospel according to Mark, noting some of the more striking features of the text that most scholars believe was the first written of the four NT gospels; a text that we will be focussing on in detail in coming … [Read more…]

Action and contemplation

(Mark 1.29-39) – 7th February 2021Neil Millar ‘Come healing of the spirit, come healing of the limb’ (Leonard Cohen). Those words (from our prayer for mercy) give a good sense of what’s happening as Jesus ministers healing and health to residents of Capernaum struggling in mind and body, spirit and limb. It’s been a big … [Read more…]

The voice of authority

(Mark 1.21-28} 31 January 2021Neil Millar Last week, we took our first deeper dive into the text of Mark’s gospel, and immediately (to use a common Markan word) we plunged into the action of the call and following of Jesus’ first disciples. This week, as you’ve just heard, the drama continues, as Jesus and these … [Read more…]

Following Jesus

(Mark 1.14-20) – 24 January 2021Neil Millar A couple of weeks ago, you may recall, I offered an introduction to Mark as the primary gospel we’d be reading this year. And today, we take our first dive into the text, a first more detailed look at the shape of Jesus’ ministry. The passage falls pretty … [Read more…]

Here I Am

(1Samuel 3. 1-10) – 16 January 2021© Sarah Bachelard We are in the season of the church’s year that is called ‘Epiphany’. Epiphany is a Greek word meaning ‘manifestation’ or ‘appearing’, from ‘epi’ meaning ‘upon’ and ‘phaino’ meaning ‘to shine’. Ever since Christmas, the readings set for each week have been speaking of how light … [Read more…]