St Ninian’s 150th Anniversary

Our church celebrated St Ninian’s 150th anniversary with an Anniversary Service on 12 February 2023. In a city that is only 109 years old, a 150 years old church with its original building still intact and in use is remarkable! St Ninian’s predates Canberra by over 40 years.  Originally standing isolated on the Limestone Plains, … [Read more…]

Our Pioneer Heritage

19 September – Ann Munro To appreciate its true significance we must consider the time and the environment in which our little stone church was created. The Limestone Plains and Ginninderra district were first sighted by Europeans in October 1820 when Charles Throsby entered the north corner of the area from Lake George in search … [Read more…]

Reflection for Frontier Services

Irene Lund (Weston Creek Uniting Church) (20 September 2020) Australians are familiar with drought and the life-giving properties of water just as people in Old and New Testament time were. Today’s passage from Jeremiah tells of the shame, the dismay and the consequences of prolonged drought. In contrast, the passage from Isaiah tells of God … [Read more…]

Feast of St Ninian

(1 Thessalonians 1.2-12)Rev Sue Hanna Thank you so much for inviting me here this morning.  It is a joy to share with you my insights into the life of St Ninian.  I am very aware that for this community, the life of St Ninian is a path that is very well worn, so I hope … [Read more…]

Making it Real: Genuine Human Encounter in the Digital World

(Luke 16:19-31) (Acts 10:9-28, 34-35) Social Justice Sunday29 September, 2019 – Judith Shaw Today St Ninians is joining with many other churches throughout Australia celebrating Social Justice Sunday, focussing on the theme “Making it Real: Genuine human encounter in our digital world”. Your Social Action Group would like to share some thoughts on the Digital … [Read more…]

Ninian – The Shadowy Saint

15 September, 2019© Ann Munro ‘I should like to know, God’s dear Saint, what work you did or what virtue you manifested that pleased Christ so much…I have no doubt that you had some special quality in regard to which none was found like you, and it is that quality I propose to investigate…Open the … [Read more…]

Services during Holy Week

Mon 15 – Wed 17 April 12.30pm – ‘Stillness, silence, solace’ – at St Ninian’s Maundy Thursday 18 April 7.30pm – ‘Service of shadows’ – at St Ninian’s Good Friday 19 April   9.00am – ‘Solidarity and solemnity’ – at St Ninian’s Holy Saturday 20 April  9.30am – ‘Stillness, silence, solace’ – at St Ninian’s   … [Read more…]

Blessing of the Animals

Sunday 23rd September, 9.30am service It was a time to remember our animal friends and to give thanks for them. Here are two who attended. more photos here