Something in the ‘water’

(Exodus 1.8-2.10) 23 August 2020
Neil Millar

Over the next two months, the Old Testament readings in the
lectionary come from the book of Exodus. I’m not going to preach on
all of these but I do want to spend these final Sundays in August in the
opening chapters. In chapter 1, as you’ve just heard, we join the children
of Israel in Egypt. Decades have passed since we left Jacob limping
away from Peniel after his nocturnal wrestling match. Jacob and his
twelve sons have died, but their offspring are multiplying and filling the
land (Ex 1.7). So much so, that they’re becoming a threat. Pharaoh
wants them there – they’re useful as slaves. But he doesn’t want them
getting too strong; he’s doing all he can to keep them in their place. But
it isn’t working. Indeed, for all his power and ruthlessness, there are
signs here that Pharaoh’s position isn’t as exalted and secure as he
thinks – that his isn’t the only game in town.

More text here