Mission Statement

St Ninian’s seeks to follow the way of Christ in our lives and the community in which we serve.

The principles that guide us are

  • We believe in love, equality and inclusion;
  • We celebrate difference;
  • We don’t pretend to know all the answers but are open to learn;
  • We stand for love and for connection in a world that too often worships prosperity and fosters loneliness;
  • We are committed to ensuring that all our gatherings are Safe Spaces where people can be confident they will be cared for, nurtured and encouraged as they grow, and at the same time, protected from spiritua,l physical and emotional harm;
  • We are part of the Uniting Church in Australia which discerns the divine in the commonplace;
  • The divine is in the face of our neighbour;
  • We are about living out our Christian faith in the world and
  • We acknowledge our responsibilities flowing from our stewardship of Creation.